Digital Practice & Process

Digital transformation is a desired and shared vision of an outcome that can be achieved through a series of projects or combination of initiatives. But Enterprises can’t be over-reliant on technology alone. They need to find ways to execute in a way that helps them increase speed of execution, better respond and adapt to customer needs, increase productivity, and engage and empower employees (Simple icon big picture of Successful Digital Enterprise -> Increase speed, Adapt to customer needs, Reduce Cost, Empower Employees in nice icons).. Historically, Scale was a distinct advantage. Now, nimble and adaptive beats slow, steady and steadfast. Digital Enterprises Information Technology (IT) departments are adopting DevOps, Agile, Lean as a set of working practices to deliver outcomes faster, customer centric, and cost efficient.

DevOps, as the name suggests provides a set of processes and philosophies that drive a cultural fit to an organization by promoting collaboration between the Development and Operations team. DevOps as a Service, enables organizations to deliver high-quality software, improve time to market, boost productivity, reduce operational cost in order to serve their customers efficiently and stay competitive in the market. Moreover, it helps in a faster software release, unplanned work management, solve the critical issues quickly, and gaining trust & confidence of users.

Some of the key DevOps practices that Satwic has expertise are in the areas of Test Automation allowing for quicker execution of Software Development Life Cycle Integrated Configuration Management and Integrated Change Management

  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Application Monitoring
  • Automated Dashboards

Agile started life as a set of working practices in software development that were really focused on ensuring that product development was done in a customer-focused way—so end-user centric, heavily iterative. But it soon extended into rest of the enterprise (non-IT methodology) where an organization can maintain agility without compromising on stability while responding to internal and external changes. Implementing Agile IT methodology constitutes an important to being an agile enterprise.

There are many Agile methodologies (or methodologies that closely align with Agile principles) that go by other names: Lean, Kanban, Scrum, and Scrumban, among others. Since Agile is typically considered to be a team-level practice, there are also additional techniques and frameworks (built upon some of these methodologies) designed specifically for scaling Agile across the enterprise, such as the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®), Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Disciplined Agile Delivery (DaD), Scrum@Scale, and others.

Agile project management has the following principles :

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Satwic has decades of experience implementing Agile in IT projects. Our project expertise spans multiple types of projects such as Analytics, Data Management, Web application development and spans multiple clients and years.